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Solidus Labs COO discusses the Evolution of Crypto Markets with Coinbase, Ripple and Bequant

Chen Arad
Co-founder & COO
May 5, 2020

Solidus Labs COO, Chen Arad, joined Andrew Robinson, Head of Institutional in Europe for Coinbase, George Zarya, Bequant's CEO, Markus Infanger, Senior Director at Ripple and moderator Thamim Ahmed, Researcher at UCL Center for Blockchain Technologies for an expert panel on the evolution of digital asset markets.

Check it out to learn, among other topics, about trends in regulation, compliance, infrastructure, liquidity flow, the role of market makers, as well as whether there's enough volume to go around if the market remains bearish. Courtest of CryptoCompare, Solidus Labs partners and hosts of the annual Digital Asset Summit in London.

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